
Obedience to authority


Obedience is where an individual complies in response to a direct request. While there are many examples of obedience in day to day life, it is those acts of destructive obedience that have been of particular interest to psychologists.


Milgram’s studies of obedience



The most influential study of obedience is that of Stanley Milgram (1963). In fact, as Myers (1996) points out: ‘Milgram’s experiments on what happens when the demands of authority clash with the demands of conscience have become the most famous and controversial experiments in social psychology.’ (p. 240)


As you study the details of his procedure, it is interesting to bear in mind that Milgram had a background in the theatre as a writer and playwright. The scenario that he developed, which for most participants was totally convincing, is clearly a product of this creative background!


Milgram's experiment


Conditions that influence obedience


It was relatively straightforward to adapt Milgram’s procedure in order to investigate the conditions that foster obedience. Important factors were shown to be:


Explanations of obedience


Early explanations of obedience tended to talk, rather mechanistically, about the ‘forces’ acting on the participants. Milgram himself talked about a conflict of opposing demands: external authority and individual conscience. A number of explanations have been suggested to explain participants’ behaviour:


More recently, psychologists have re-examined the participants’ own justifications for why they obeyed. These could be broadly divided into three groups (Sabini, 1995):


Whatever we think of their ‘excuses’, the fact is that participants came to believe that the situation was legitimate and fair, and that they could escape responsibility for their actions. Sabini points out that the reason for obedience lies in participants’ interpretation of the experiment. They thought this way because:

‘…this is the interpretation the experimenter offers them. The participants see the experimenter as the authoritative interpreter of the objective moral order. This is where the social influence lies.’ (1995, page 54.)


Evaluation of Milgram’s studies


In addition to the serious (and fairly obvious) ethical concerns raised about Milgram’s research, a number of methodological issues have been raised as well as concerns about the extent to which the results can be generalised to wider settings. Orne & Holland suggest that the main failing of Milgram’s research are that it lacks:


Zimbardo’s research


In this very well known example of social influence research, Zimbardo was concerned with the extent to which an individual will be conform to a situation: how far they could be persuaded to act out (i.e. obey) a role. The so-called ‘Stanford Prison Experiment’ (Zimbardo et al., 1973) showed that in the context of a mock prison, college students randomly assigned to be ‘guards’ engaged in substantial brutality towards other college students randomly assigned to be ‘prisoners’.


Watch a video of the Zimbardo study at: Google Video or YouTube


One explanation for the behaviour observed in this study was the process of disinhibition. In other words, normal inhibitions against this sort of behaviour were overridden by a number of factors: dehumanisation of the victim, moral drift — the ‘bad guards’ influenced the ‘good guards’ to see escalating brutality as a norm — and deindividuation (see next section). Sherif’s work on group consensus in ambiguous situations could be relevant here, since participants had been placed in a highly unusual situation and would naturally look to others for a lead in how to behave (informational influence).


The main outcome of Zimbardo’s work, is claimed to be that he showed that giving people power can have a great effect on their behaviour, leading them to behave in ways that they previously thought unacceptable. The problem is that the mock warders may simply have been play-acting; in a real situation they may have behaved quite differently.


There are also serious ethical issues with conducting an experiment in this way. Can an experiment be ethically justified when four participants had to be released because of extreme depression, disorganised thinking, uncontrollable crying and fits of rage?



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